Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kenzo and Moi Moi-- Again!


These Rainbow Lorikeets visit Kenzo and Moi Moi's garden. Melinda says they are nectar eating birds. She says they are very noisy birds and they like to scream and Moi Moi and Kenzo if they happen to be in the yard. My dogs would be going NUTS if these birds were in our yard-- but the birds live in Australia, so no chance that will happen.
When Moi Moi first went to live with Kenzo, their parents build this little fenced area to give Moi Moi a place to be quiet-- because Kenzo loved to play with her-- and she thought he was tormenting her! They don't have it up anymore, but Kenzo is in it and wondering why!
Now he's out! YEA-- look at that grin! He loves his yard. That's his mom's grandson in the background.
Here's a better picture-- He's beautiful!
Moi Moi and Kenzo are friends most of the time. But, occasionally, Kenzo still likes to tease her. :-) Hang in there Moi Moi!!!


  1. I am so glad to hear the Griffon is found!I hope he is ok and never goes missing again.
    Maybe Kenzo should ship Moi Moi's fence off to them?

  2. They are beautiful dogs. They sure look content ~ of course I would too if I lived in a paradise of endless sunshine :-)
