Friday, March 5, 2010

Anna's Journey

Anna came into rescue in October, 2009. She was skin and bones, blind in one eye and missing most of her lower jaw. With all this little girl had been through, she was so sweet.
She was in bad shape-- but we could help her.
She had surgery to spay, fix a hernia and repair some of her jaw. She was such a good patient.
She took a giant step backwards, though, when she reacted badly to the internal stitches. It happens to some dogs. But, for Anna, it was life-threatening. She had to undergo another extensive surgery to repair tissue and literally save her life. Here she is at the vet-- I go to visit my foster dogs if they stay more than a few days. I want them to know I'm still there for them and that I love them. My vet is so great!! (Acredale Animal Hospital, Va. Beach)
Anna came home and began to heal. Her tongue always hangs out because of her jaw, but she still can eat well. She loves her dry kibble mixed with a little canned food.
She had trouble staying warm. At 8.5 pounds, there wasn't any fat there to help. So, I bought her a pink sweater.
And look at her now!! She's beautiful! She gained two pounds!!! She is still incredibly sweet and loves to roll around on the floor. She likes to pick up her small toy and toss it in the air. Here is a video of her playing.
Click here: YouTube - annaplaying2.MOV
She likes to curl up in her pink bed. I covered her up just to make sure she was warm enough. She also loves to sit behind me on the computer chair.
She began to acquire more clothes. She had a green shirt with a snowman on it.
It says "Chill Out."
She has a pink sweater to keep her extra warm outside.
She has a pink coat to go over her pink sweeater-- and of course a pink collar and a pink leash. She is a GIRL!! This is the first foster dog I've had to buy clothes for!! And she's so cute in everything.
Starlight modeled her pink plaid coat. It's too big for Anna, but we wanted to show it anyway.
Cranberry modeled it, too. She was less than thrilled.
Anna likes to be near the fireplace.
Anna was fine with the snow-- but she was too short and she would get stuck. I put an extra sweater over her green shirt-- she looks like a pink and black bumble-bee.
Jeanne gave her a coat with a hood on it. The hood fell over her face and she couldn't see where she was going. It was a little big on her. But, CUTE!
She also has a red sweatshirt-- this girl has a lot of clothes!
Anna is one happy girl!!!


  1. Isn't Anna a fashion model!!!

    I hope she goes to the best of homes for Anna has gone through so much and that girl needs a home with ALOT of Pink!!

  2. Linda-You have done a wonderful job nursing this little angel back to health. She looks great and looks like she is healing incredibly well.

  3. I just love Anna so much!!!! She looks amazing and beautiful!!

  4. Anna is so cute in the video and obviously having a blast playing. She looks good in pink!
    I just learned about a condition called a "rubber jaw" where the bones deteriorate due to lack of nutrition. First the dog's teeth get wobbly and begin to fall out, then the jaw moves back and forth. So sad and preventable...

  5. Special girls like Anna deserve it all. She is a beautiful fashionista.

  6. You also bought my Lulu her pink sweater. Anna so reminds me of her that now I am in tears.

  7. Anna just makes me want to foster unwanted/abandoned dogs. Thank God for people like you!!
