Friday, March 12, 2010

Lara and the Chinese Peke/Owl Danger

Click here: Pet Owners Face Danger From Above « Liveshots This is a warning about owls-- and the danger they are to dogs. I know this is true because an owl tried to come down to get one of my Pekingese several years ago-- the wing span on the owl was startling. My daughter ran at the owl, waiving her arms, and saved my dog. This is the season where there is more danger.
One of our Peke friends is in China. Her mom has adopted several from us and Lara (the daughter) and I have exchanged emails, too. She went to China, and knowing this was the land of the Pekes, looked all over for a Peke. She found one! ONE! I thought they'd be everywhere.
This little guy is so cute. I'm sure Lara will find more. If she does, I'll include their pictures! Now that Peking, China is Beijing, China-- should PEKINGESE be called BEIJINGESE?? Just a thought!


  1. That is one cute chinese peke. My groomer is from Hong Kong and she brought her peke , shih tzu, golden retriever and westie over to Australia when she migrated a few years ago. It cost her ALOT for they had to go into quarantine like all live animals must who come here - we have no rabies and they do not want to introduce any other bugs - my country runs off the land . sheep and cattle.
    My husband worked in Hong Kong many years ago and we would see the rare peke now and then . You would think the place would be overrun in pekes!
    I hope your friend finds more chinese pekes on her trip!
    We have owls here but they are a smaller type around our house in the burbs so they would not get "lift off" trying to grab Kenzo and I think Moi would be dropped too!
    I feel very "Harry Potter" ! LOL

  2. Linda, my husband's family is from China. I've wanted to name a peke Xiao Go (small dog) for the past 20 years or so. At Thanksgiving the year we got married, I kept hearing "Beijing Go" when people would look at my Gracie. It didn't take me too long to figure out they were saying Beijing Dog....
