Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Have you ever tried to do something by yourself-- you know WITHOUT DOGS? I was trying to read in the dining room-- by myself! The entrance to the room has a nice crate there-- to keep the dogs out of the dining and living rooms, where I have oriental rugs.
Caleb decided he wanted in with me. But, he couldn't figure out how to get in. He looks like he's in jail, but he's not. He can get out the way he came in-- by the door to the crate. He does look cute though.
He enlisted Scooter to come see if he could find a way in. So, he tried.
"Come on, Mom, let us in!" Not a chance! :-)


  1. Oh yes I do know that feeling that you want to do something without dogs present!! LOL

    I thought those two look sort of angry at you Linda! :)

  2. Don't let Scooter fool you-- he's my "baby Scooter" even though he's almost 9 years old. He is like my therapy dogs for the new fosters who come in. He just has that "sad face", but is really a very happy boy. :-)

  3. Linda -- too cute!! I know sometimes you just need some "by myself time" and dogs do not understand it -- they always feel it necessary to be "right there"!! Sometimes I feel like the Three Stooges with my two boyz!
