Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cranberry-- Oh My

You remember my Cranberry-- Cranberry Muffin the Christmas Puppy is her whole name. Long story. :-) She is definitely the alpha dog here. Sometimes, she gets special privileges because she IS the alpha dog here and she needs to know she is special even though she is surrounded by other Pekes-- some who live here now, some who have lived here a long time and some who are just visiting (fosters). I let her go into the dining room with me. I was having some quiet time and doing some reading. The dogs are not generally allowed in there-- it's MY space. But, I let Cranberry in. And I was reading and sipping my coffee and having---- are you ready?----- cornbread with peanut butter on it. Yep, I was raised by a southern mama and I love cornbread with peanut butter. Left over cornbread--- for breakfast. Only a southern person could understand this.
I left a small portion on my plate when I went into the study on the other side of the kitchen. I let her stay in the dining room just to have "alone time." She likes that. But, then I heard her barking and went to let her out. But, she wasn't at the baby gate-- she was ON THE TABLE. And she ate my cornbread and peanut butter. She laid down on my Bible, and next to the GLASS candle holder and ate my breakfast. Of course, being the Peke mom that I am, did I immediately get her. NO. I said, "STAY!" and ran to get my camera! It was a blogging moment. And she stayed!
I couldn't resist getting her picture. And then I got her off the table!


  1. Well of course!
    Missy Cranberry was reading the part about the loaves (cornbread maybe?) and fishes!!

  2. Oh my Linda Cranberry looks like that's not the first time she tried that trick... :) She must be a Southern Girl too.....

  3. LOL, that is hilarious. Our Peke Newman does the same thing.He will jump onto the table and eat, but then have no clue how to get down, lol. sometimes he only makes it as far as the dining room chair before he gets stuck!

  4. That's so funny-- the loaves and fish-- clever, Melinda!!
    Hugs, Linda

  5. She's a beauty! They're so cute that it's hard to be firm when they're naughty. (Hope she didn't get the last of your cornbread.) Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

  6. Cranberry certainly looked proud! No doubt thinking you'd left the room to get your own cornbread. I once spilled a bottle of Thai peanut sauce; by the time I'd returned with mop, Rudee had licked up every drop. Pekes can move very fast!

  7. Boy, you give a peke an inch, and they take a mile! I so can relate! LOL!!

  8. Cranberry knew she could get away with it or she wouldn't have barked for you to come help her down so quickly:)
    Ozzie once swiped half of a hamburger out of my husband's hand when he got up from the livingroom chair and unknowingly had his hand within Ozzie's reach. That's what happens when you don't eat at the dining table and get distracted by TV :)

  9. That is adorable. My little (play on words with "little) Basel likes to lay on top of tables too.
