Monday, April 19, 2010

Jeanne's Spring Part 2

Jeanne's back yard, as you have seen, has so many flowers. But, that's not all-- she has paths, mirrors, trees, ponds, fish and decks. Her husband has just finished a second deck by the room/study he added on the side of the house. Bill can do anything, I'm convinced! Jeanne is going to have her own study off the living room for her computer. It has book shelves, a TV connection. And it can be a place for a dog that needs to be alone while recovering from surgery or just a time-out. It has its own deck and will have it's own separate yard. WOW. This is what he's done so far-- look at the rails! Bill is really amazing.
This is a Hosta and Creeping Jenny in a pot at Jeanne's.
There is a double gate to get out of the yard-- so no dogs escape. Here they are-- what are they waiting for? You can see Darcey Jeanne there-- she belongs to Jeanne's sister. And there is DiDi and Duchess with Hanna in the background.
And look at this beautiful Japanese Maple. I've never seen one this full.
This is the Otto luyken in bloom at Jeanne's-- another plan I have not heard of. But, so pretty! Here's Darcey Jeanne-- they call her an over-sized hamster. :-)
Jill Lee has one of Amy's toys-- Amy thinks she owns all the toys, so Jill Lee is keeping a watch out for her. Amy needs to share, right?
And last, but not least, is Hanna-- she is playing hide and seek. She's very shy with people, but loves other dogs. She's posing for us.
One more beautiful picture! I can't wait to go to the Garden Tour to see them in person. Date to be announced!


  1. Oh yes Jeanne has a clever husband for sure!
    I love all the dogs at the gate and I wish I could grow peonies!
    My area is too warm but up in our hills they will grow.
    I am sure the Open Garden will be a success !!

    * What are you going to do with the doggies Jeanne when the Garden is Open to the public ??

  2. My husband, Bill just put up a new fence around the new deck. We have a dogie door for them to use and we have a gate and dogie door coming off the back door too. So they will all be safe and sound behind closed gates. Not happy mind you but safe :)

  3. Jeanne definitely has a green thumb ~ and a husband who is beyond handy!
    That Japanese maple looks amazing!
    My daughter's Corgi has been called a guinea pig by her friend's dad:)
