Thursday, April 8, 2010


I want to express my deep sympathy to Marilyn, my friend, whose Peke Elizabeth died on Tuesday night with her mom by her side. Elizabeth was a joy and delight to her mom and she is so grateful that Elizabeth was part of the Pekingese calendar this year so all could see how beautiful she was. Here is what her mom said about her: "It was I that was so blessed to have her in my life. She was sooooooo sweet. There were no strangers in her life...just friends (four and two-legged) that she hadn't met yet! She enriched my life. She was so special to all my family and my friends! She was loved by the neighbors. She loved everyone! She had that special sense that dogs have when someone was "hurting" and she'd trot right over to them and turn on the charm. Or just trot over and cuddle. She was a good cuddler. I must say that she was quite the benevolent queen and she very gracious to her staff (anyone in the house). What an unforgettable little character. She will always have a very special place in my heart. I loved that little dog and she was good to me and for me (and for everyone she came into contact with!) " We are with you in your grief, Marilyn.
Rest in peace, sweet Elizabeth.
Lacy came into rescue in January, 2010. She was very thin, and had a bad skin infection. But, her eyes said "help me." I had to.
We got her from Maryland to Virginia Beach and Kim came over to see her. She said, "I'll foster her." And off to Kim's home she went.
Look at those eyes-- She is so precious.
She came to visit last month-- it was still cold and she had her pink sweater on. She's grown-- she's up to ten pounds now! But, she's so tiny next to the rest of them.
She likes this hidey hole, but she'd rather sleep with her foster mom-- she gets right up on the pillow. :-) (I know I've told you this-- we treat them like our own dogs when they're with us.)
Here is a newer picture-- taken this past week-end. Look how great she looks. It's amazing!
She's taking a quick nap on the deck. Out of the way of dogs and people-- this is a safe place.
She also likes to be under the school desk. That's a safe place, too.
And I put her on the deck table to take a picture. "What am I doing up here??"
And holding her like a baby-- Click here: YouTube - lacy's face I thought I was taking a picture, but the video is adorable.
Here she is again on the table-- getting these dogs to pose can be a challenge. Thank goodness for digital cameras-- I used to burn rolls of film getting pictures. Now, I just click a lot, go to the computer and delete the bad ones-- of course, with these Pekes, there are not a lot of bad pictures! And the best news is that Lacy has an adoption pending! Someone has seen how truly special she is.

Here are somenew videos of Lacy-- Enjoy!
Click here: YouTube - lacyyard

Click here: YouTube - lacy4

Click here: YouTube - lacy1
These are previous videos if you have time-- they are so cute of Lacy and her foster brother, Clarence. I could watch these all day!


  1. I send my best to your friend Marilyn and her dear Elizabeth. It must be a very difficult time for her. A much loved peke for sure.

    I do hope the divine Ms Lacy finds a wonderful home for she is so sweet !

  2. So sorry for Elizabeth's family. She will surely be missed! Love the videos of Lacy and Clarence! Sooo cute!!

  3. So sorry for Elizabeth's passing. It's been almost a year to the day since we lost our peke Toby and we still miss our little guy.

    Lacy looks so beautiful!!!! Go Lacy!!

  4. I am so sorry for Marilyn's loss. Elizabeth sounds like a wonderful dog and so well loved. My thoughts are with her.
