Thursday, April 22, 2010


Click here: Welcome to the Pekingese of Australia web site. Check this out-- our club is a link on the Australian Peke site. Amazing! :-)
Mattie was rescued almost three years ago. She was a two year old Peke (with a little Chin in there, probably) who had been left outside. She had fleas and ticks and was hit by a car-- and her owners did nothing. Her eyes were impacted by the car hitting her, so her eyes were sew shut so they could heal.
She was so sweet and trusting even though she could not see.
John and Terry, great Peke lovers in the Richmond area, took her in as their foster dog. She's still there. They fell in love with her and she became a permanent part of their family.
She would roll around in her bed once her cone was off. She loved her special bed-- it's not pink, but it's wonderful!
Mattie has a favorite platypus toy. There was a time when her parents fostered another Peke-- and Mattie must have realized that he was confused, coming out of the shelter. She took her platypus, placed the toy in front of him, and then got into the bed to sleep with him. She has an incredibly sweet little spirit.
We did all we could to save her vision, but weren't able to. Mattie doesn't let it bother her. She goes in and out with the rest, and her sense of hearing is very acute. She continues LubriFare eye drops. They are from Ireland and cost $26.00 every three to four months. She will need this to keep her eyes lubricated from now on.
"I know you're over there!"
Her mom and dad took a video of her playing ball-- yes, playing ball! Blind dogs can be wonderful pets. They learn to get around and are very loving. Just watch this: Click here: YouTube - Aren't you amazed!? We have a new blind dog in rescue-- look for his story tomorrow! You may just want to make him your own.


  1. Hey ---- her come the Aussie's!! LOL

    Oh boy, that Mattie is a sweetie! I can fully understand why that little one had to stay in her new house for ever. Mattie is lovely - you could not give her away - even to me and we all know - I am perfect!!! LOL

  2. Great segue to tomorrow's blog! What a little doll, Mattie is.

    It is my experience of being a companion to a blind dog, that with a few tweaks in your household and keeping routine consistent, they do very well. Most people who met my Alice had no idea she was blind. She surprised me on many occasion, too!

    I attribute the dog's adaptability to their keen olfactory sense and hearing.

  3. Mattie has such beautiful coloring!

  4. What a story! She is such a sweet girl. I feel so badly that she lost her sight but I'm thankful she is so adaptable and is so much better off in this loving home.
