Friday, April 16, 2010


Taloola, formerly Betsy, came into rescue last summer. She was rescued from a back yard breeder who kept her in a broken down pen in the woods with horrible conditions. Boy, was she happy to get out of there!
She loved the feel of grass on her feet.
She loved to roll around in it with Grant, who was saved with her.
She went to Richmond for fostering and was such a sweet girl there. FREEDOM-- what a word for a dog who never had it. It's amazing how sweet they can be after they have been so mistreated.
Taloola came to visit her foster mom-- she's put on a little weight. We have to watch the weight on these Pekes because it can cause health problems if they get too heavy. So, I think she's going on a diet. :-) Her mom is working on it with her. It's so hard to NOT give these sweet dogs all the treats they want--
What a beauty from the dog we got-- still just as sweet. After a day or so, she fit right back in with her foster family.
She remembered everything and made herself right at home.
She brought her bed with her-- and settled right into it. BUT......
Amy (foster dog) liked it, too. She got it in to pose for her picture. It's not really THE pink bed, but it's pink and they still love it!


  1. Moi Moi , who has "porked up" too wants to know if Taloola will be her dieting buddy!

    *Yes its soooo hard not to give that little face a bit more- she weazled out a number of roast lamb slices tonight!!
    Yeah, Kenzo too but that boy works the food off! LOL

  2. Taloola has transformed into a beautiful peke. You would not find a sweeter girl. She is so loved by her new fur-ever family. And they say she is soooooo smart too. I loved fostering her and being able to keep her when her family goes out of town.

  3. I was wondering about Taloola's harness. Do you know the name of the company? Harnesses are a necessity for Pekes but it is not an easy task to find a harness that fits their conformation. Ever take a Peke harness shopping? LOL The harness Taloola is modeling appears to be made for that beautiful Peke shape we find irresistible!

  4. what a beauty!! she looks so cute a little chubby!!!

  5. The harness you are seeing is a Coastal Size-Right harness. You can order them on line, or through ebay. They are the best harness I have found and so easy to use.

  6. She does look very cute chubby:) She still has that alert expression of "let's go see what we can discover today!"
    I'm so very happy for her to get the chance to enjoy life, and get to experience LOVE instead of abuse, neglect, and starvation.

  7. Oh my goodness- I would not have recognized her. I remember how skinny she was when she came in. She looks amazing. I'm so glad she has such a wonderful life. That makes it all worth it!
