Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Remember Lacy? She's been adopted!
Now she lives with beautiful Lafite in Maryland.
Lacy came a LONG way from the sick dog we got into rescue in January.
She is doing so well. She now has a wonderful harness and loves to go for walks with Lafite and her mom and dad. Lacy was just 8 pounds when we got her, and now she is eleven pounds! Her hair is growing in more and she's beautiful.
Lacy loves to chase the squirrels. She almost got one, too! The squirrel was taunting her and she got a piece of its tail-- Lacy is fast! She has a stuffed squirrel that she really likes and she shares it with Lafite.
Lacy is sometimes called Peanut by her mom and Lacy-bean by her dad. More nicknames! (Remember the blog on nicknames?)
Lacy will go up to Lafite and lick him on the nose-- he's not sure what to do about that! But, then a few days later, he walked up to her and bumed his nose on her-- and she picked up her paw and patted him. How sweet is that. I love to see the relationships blossom as a new dog is accepted into a home. It's so precious.
Here she is cuddled up in her mom's lap at the picnic we had on May 1. She is obviously loved a lot. She sleeps in bed with her new parents. At 11 pounds, she can still take up a lot of space-- and she's a cover hog!
When she is tired, she has her special pink bed to curl up in. She is so content now. She really deserved to be in her special home! Thank you to Kim, who brought her back to health and to Chris and Steve, who adopted her. I love happy endings!


  1. What a great story. Lacy has great FUR-EVER parents. She is a lucky girl but they are lucky too....

    Lucy has such a sweet face. I'm so glad she is loved by her new brother too.

  2. What more can a girl want! Pink bed, lovely family and some wildlife action!

