Friday, May 14, 2010


Just so you know: Click here: Natura Pet Foods (Innova Evo) Acquired by Procter & Gamble (Eukanuba Iams) A Flint River Ranch News Feed
Sometimes, foods change when bought out by another company.
I received an email last week. Could I help this little girl. I was told she was about seven.
She had been rescued by a woman and she had her about a month. This little girl had been passed around on craigslist and she thought she'd been abused. She was a little shy and fearful when I went to meet her. I named her Tappy. The lady who turned her in sobbed as I took her away. So did her four children. But, she said she just couldn't afford to help her and she knew she needed help. (My heart was breaking for this family who fell in love with this little girl.)
She wasn't sure about me. But, I had to help her. She had fleas crawling across her face and all over her body. She had mats all over her and hanging off her. She probably hadn't had a bath in a very long time. Her eyes were red and one had an old injury. This little one obviously had a very rough life.
It's really hard to figure out how old some of these dogs are. Bad care ages them. A hard life ages them. So, when I get a new one in, sometimes I just have to guess at their age with the help of my vet. I was told Tappy was 7, but I think she's probably ten or so. Did she still deserve to be helped? YOU BET!
So, into my kennel in the car she went (I sprayed my car after to make sure no fleas survived). We went straight to the vet. They know I often show up, no appointment. (I do call them to tell them I'm on the way.) They always help me. I knew I had to have Tappy bathed and shaved before I could bring her home-- she had to be flea-free, too. I can bathe my foster dogs, but you really don't want to see what I can do if I get ahold of a pair of clippers!
It's almost embarrasing sometimes when I take one like this to the vet-- I want a sign that says, "I DIDN'T DO THIS TO THIS DOG!" I just want to help them.
Well, she had a bath and a haircut-- the mats were so close to the skin that she had a close shave. The mats pulled and caused her pain, but they are gone now. She has a new collar and leash and harness. And she decided I was okay.
She was so good in the car. I wanted her to be near me so she sat on the front seat-- it was only two miles home. And I talked to her all the way home, telling her she was now safe, and was going to be loved and cared for. I think she understood me.
And now she is a dog! She walks around the back yard, and sits in the sun. She does have some arthritis in her back and hips, but that doesn't stop her from loving her life. (She is taking Dasuquin to help with that arthritis.) She can't see well out of her left eye (previous injury, untreated), and she has a small cataract in the other eye , but when I call her name, she zeroes right in on my face. From across the yard! So she hears just fine. She has eye drops that have taken away the redness and she feels so much better.
She was afraid to be touched at first, and now she comes to me to have a head scratch or a back rub. She knows she will be okay here.
And of course, she got to try out the pink bed........
She loves this one the most though. Isn't she cute!
This picture is totally out of proportion-- but I just thought it was so cute-- she really wanted to see what I was doing.
Now she can rest on the deck.....
...with the other dogs (she isn't bothered by them at all). She can just be a dog. And be safe. And loved. And get care. And hopefully have her very own home soon. Is it your home?


  1. Tappy is Great! What a trouper! She does look so happy now.

    You're an Angel for these guys Linda!


  2. What a sad beginning for Tappy. Now we can only pray she will have a happy fur-ever home real soon. She looks so sweet with her hair cut.

  3. What a wonderful thing you did for this sweet little girl. She certainly is precious and she looks so much better. She's a like a new dog.

  4. Tappy is precious! I am so glad that you were able to help her out. She looks like a new dog and probably feels like one too! I hope Tappy finds a forever home soon!

  5. Tappy is just precious! In the first few photos you can just tell she has that unsure expression of "What's going to happen to me now?" But it didn't take her long to figure out that you were different and this time she was in a GOOD place! She looks and feels soo much better!
    By the way, I despise the "disposable pets" part of Craigslist. It's especially obvious that people get rid of their older pets so they can run right out and get a puppy. When I was 20 yrs. old and my husband and I were picking out our first (mixed breed) puppy, the woman gave us some important advice I'll never forget: She said NEVER give an animal away. ALWAYS charge something because people do not value something given to them for nothing.

    P.S. I love the "Peke-Pushers" idea, Melinda:)

  6. Oh gosh, time got ahead of me so I am doing "reading catch-up"!!

    Hi Karin!

    I love tappy and to think people put their "I am sick of this animal" on the internet to get rid of it!
    there is a special place in hell for them!
    I see Ms Tappy has had a go at a pink bed! LOL
