Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I was at Jeanne's last week. I will be posting more pictures of her garden and the dogs. But, this one is about Bernie.
Jeanne has a small back yard area where she can put dogs if she needs to keep them away from the gate, or to just keep a new one apart for awhile. While I visited, there were extra dogs, so some of here were in the fenced area (the whole yard is fenced, too). Bernie wasn't sure about being locked in there.
But, we let him out and he found a lap to sit on. He is the one whose owner died and he came into rescue. He's learning some food manners, but he is making progress.
"Do you want to take my picture?"
Here's a closer look! You are so cute, Bernie!!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, I do like Bernie! He is a very handsome old boy.
    Hi Jeanne! you do a mighty job too!

    where I live we all have our yards fenced . My dogs cannot stray into my neighbours yards at all.
    You must have a fenced in yard to have a dog here in the suburbs.
    I guess with the type of snow you have , fences like mine would just fall over with the weight! LOL
