Sunday, June 13, 2010


We had a big garage sale today to raise money for Pekingese Rescue. Our vet costs are high, but we continue to do all we can to raise money to help them. Today we raised-- ARE YOU READY!?-- over $750 (just recounted money, less than we thought, but still GREAT) to help the Pekes. We are all thrilled and thank everyone who helped. Thanks to JEANNE --she did the majority of the work!!! She and I decided we are now retired from garage sales! haha We collected a lot of stuff and sold a lot! Jeanne is wearing one of the donated aprons, and I brought it home as a memory. Also to give to one of my daughters-- Let's see, which one wants it! :-) Thank you to: CHRIS AND LARRY, who did so much to set up and help Jeanne during the sale. KRIS, who came down from Fredericksburg to help. She is one of our new foster moms and I am so glad she's part of our club. BETH and DAVID, for coming up to bring Amelia and to help out with the sale. GLORIA, who made a trip down to bring a lot of things, including toys and dog accessories, and also came yesterday to bring Gizmo and Cupcake, our new fosters. BILL, Jeanne's husband who helped in so many ways. He and my husband, MATT, did so much to keep it going through the day! Matt also gave us a lot of humor by riding the stationary bike in the drive way to draw in customers-- I wish I had a picture, but if you know my husband, you can picture it in your mind. SONIA, who came to help get things set up. ESSIE, you are wonderful. Thank you for helping! (Remember, we all prayed for Essie several months ago and she is doing so well-- ) Here's Jeanne in the apron!
I'll do several blogs on the garage sale. This one is on Caleb. He has been my foster dog for some time. He came from a case that would have been a court case if four dogs were not turned in-- we got Katie, Sugar, Ty and Caleb. Ty and Caleb came to me for fostering. They came SO far in trusting people. Their health improved, their coats are great. They are happy Pekes! (I love my 'job.')
I think this has to be a favorite picture of Caleb-- in Jeanne's beautiful garden today.
Caleb "Ca-Ca," is checking it out.
He met his new sister, Fu-Shing, today. She is about the same age and size as Caleb. I think they are going to be great friends. (Fu-Shing was on the blog with her sister, Zoe, last week.)
Fu-Shing is just beautiful with a tiny little face. She drooled a lot when she got there, but after awhile, she seemed to relax and just watch around her. (She was also a rescued dog from a shelter that her mom adopted.)
Caleb was checking out the garden and under the deck-- I see you Caleb!
Please don't step off the side Caleb. I'll have to drop my camera to catch you.
That's better-- just sit and let me take ANOTHER picture of you! I love taking pictures of my foster dogs. And Caleb is one beautiful Peke!
Yes, you're stunning at any angle.
He is checking out his new sister and.....
the TOYS!!! Caleb LOVES toys!
Caleb, you are a beautiful, happy, joy-filled Peke. It has been my great pleasure to take care of you and help you to be a healthy boy. My job is done and it's time to let you go. I will miss you. You'll always be in my heart. I will throw you hugs from my house and ask your new mom to give you lots of hugs and kisses for me. I know she'll keep me updated on how you're doing. I know you'll be greatly loved.
And off he goes!


  1. For Linda, Caleb and Everyone involved with PVPC Rescue:

    Life, the gift of nature
    Love, the gift of life
    A Pekingese kiss, the gift of Love

    -Author Unknown

  2. Thank you Carey-- give Caleb a morning hug for me!!

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful day and the weather was kind too!

  4. I'll be looking forward to your updates on Caleb in his new home ~ what a sweetie!
    Looks like you had a good day spent with friends and did well earning money to help the rescue pekes.

  5. I am so happy to hear Caleb has a furever home:))

    Newmie and Drizzie send tons of Peke kisses his way!!!
