Friday, June 11, 2010


Summer is here and I saw a news story on flat-faced dogs, or brachecephalic dogs. They need special care in the summer-- and winter-- but mostly in the summer. Here is the link for the CBS special feature on flat faced dogs.

Here's Starlight with my grandson. I know you've all heard about Starlight, that little terror-- :-). But, she loves my grandkids!

Flat faced dogs have a normal bottom jaw, but the top jaw is much shorter, causing the underbite. This makes it more difficult for them to breathe. So, here are some special tips on this breed.
(Starlight and Caleb are in front of the fan-- love the look!)

You must keep flat faced dogs at a good weight to help them to breathe better. Otherwise, the heart has to work too hard and their breathing is already compromised because of their flat faces.
(My Max-- sweet boy. He was a foster no one adopted. I don't know why-- he's precious!)

The flat faced dogs can have small windpipes and get inflamation of the airways. So, it's critical to make sure they don't get overheated. And NEVER LEAVE A DOG IN THE CAR IN THE WARMER MONTHS.
This is Caleb-- sweet Caleb. He and Ty are waiting for their forever home.
With the flat-faced dogs, it is important to use a body harness, not just a collar (which should be on for identification, not to put a leash on). Pulling on a collar on a flat-faced dog can cause windpipe/trachea damage.
This is Essie's Peke. She says, "" I'm Weak in the Knees for a Pekingese." Aren't we all! :-)

Don't walk the flat-faced dogs in the heat of the day-- they cannot cool down well enough. If you have no fenced area, just a short walk in front is fine until early or late in the day. Most who have flat-faced dogs know this.. but some don't realize these little dogs might go into heat stroke during the day when it's too hot to be out. They can't go jogging either-- they're not made for that. :-)
This is Biscuit, a friend's parents' Peke. I love her bed! One of these days, I'll get one of these. Then I could just vacumn under it.

There must be air conditioning for flat-faced dogs. They cannot handle the humidity and need temperature controlled environments.
These are Darla's dogs. Aren't they cute! Most are flat-faced as you can see.
Here they are again. Elsa is the Dogue de Bordeaux, who seems right at home with the little ones. She is 12 years old! She still thinks she is a lap dog and is a love bug. Look at her underbite!
This is Gizmo-- he's new to rescue. We'll know more about him and his sister.......
Cupcake! They are brother and sister, and will be two in the fall. Babies!!

Don't let your Peke or flat-faced dog fly in an airplane during the summer-- unless they are in the plane with you. (I wouldn't fly one in the "hold" at any time.) There is a chance of a dog getting lost, or dying during a flight. Check out

Flat-faced dogs need more care than a lot of dogs-- but they are so cute! I've had many and many fosters-- and I love every one!


  1. Wow, sounds like you have a lot of educating to do before letting any of your rescues go to new homes.
    It's interesting because my pom with the underbite tends to get overheated very quickly, while the other two don't have a problem with it. I always thought it had something to do with him being black, but the underbite issue makes sense.

  2. Thanks for the great information Linda! The news story was great, of course I loved the Peke at the end the best!!!

  3. Great Blog! Biscuit in her Kuranda bed is a little doll.
