Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Do you have widely spaced posts on your deck? Is your Peke in danger of going through them? Well, this might be your solution:
They come in all different colors and prints. They are about $24 each, but if you have a danger situation, it would be well worth it.
Click here: Puppy Bumpers - Keep dogs from getting through fence and balcony rails.
These are Jessie's Pekes. She has volunteered to be a foster mom in N.Va. We need more help in that area as we have a small number of volunteers who can help with transport up there. Jessie's Sadie is above. Isn't she cute!
Here she is again-- How did you frame the pictures Jessie? I don't know how to do that.
Here is Sadie's brother, Sid. He reminds me of my Max-- notice the ball with him? :-) My Max LOVES his tennis balls. Yes, Sid, you are a handsome boy-- and you look so sweet!
Sid is a Peke who hates to be alone and loves to be with his people and sister. He loves to sleep upstairs with his parents-- and like Max, if you leave him downstairs, he will bark at night. Are Max and Sid secretly related??? Sid will also jump into the shower. My Max will not do that! haha

Sadie is very loving and always wants affection. She likes to sleep downstair, but unlike her brother, she will stay quiet all night.
I think she is sleeping now-- SHHHH.

Syd and Sadie will be two years old next month, so Happy Birthday early! I wonder if they will get a birthday cake? Or a new toy? A Peke can never have enough toys--
Sid has that Peke tongue going-- I keep telling you, they just won't fit in their mouths!!
Best friends! When they get a foster, I'm sure they'll welcome him with open paws. We're just looking for the right one!


  1. Hey, maybe they will get a pink bed for their birthdays!!!

  2. Ooops, I forgot to add a little note from Moi Moi ---

    "Linda, I will not need bumpers for I am on a diet and have to move 1 kilo! I have my own "bumpers" !!! LOL
    Missy Moi


  3. The Pink Beds have a life of their own haha.

  4. Those bumpers are such a cute idea. Ozzie used to squeeze through the fence to explore the neighborhood every once in a while. Sisqo and Mocha are on a weight reduction formula right now too. They've lost two pounds but need to lose a couple more. They sure have a lot more endurance on their walks already. I sure wish a 2 lb. weight loss would have such dramatic effects on me!:) Pink beds do sound like the perfect gift:)
