Thursday, July 22, 2010


Most of the foster dogs have surgery of some kind. It may just be spay/neuter. If we're lucky, that's all they need!! When they have surgery, most have to wear an e-collar to keep them from going after their stitches. I have some pictures to share. This is Leo after his eye surgery. Leo is one of our sweetest Pekes. He is special needs because he is blind. At only about a year old, he's really amazing. He has learned to go up and down the outside steps, he loves people and dogs and his foster mom and dad. Leo had to have one of his eyes removed because it was causing him problems. So, he had to wear a cone to keep him from rubbing it. It looks pretty rough, but pretty soon, he's look wonderful. Here's some pictures and videos of him.
At my house, I had two "coneheads." I think my Cranberry thinks it's contagious and she is "heading out!" Dimples (now Kaci) is in the middle. She's a little twelve pounder and very sweet! She was an owner turn in and met her future mom at my house the day she arrived. We were told she was four, she may be older, but she sure is loved now in her new home!
Here's Dimples/Kaci again with Sammy. Sammy is being fostered in Va. Beach and he is SO Sweet. (I seem to be saying that a lot, but it's true-- we have a lot of nice Pekes right now!) Sammy was neutered, and he has to wear his e-collar until he is all healed.
Here is Dimples/Kaci again-- you know I had to get at least one pink bed in the blog!!
I told you yesterday there would be pictures of Maximus after his surgery. His big eye folds are gone, and his nose has been opened up more so he can breathe easier. He was also neutered. He is still a beautiful boy, "cone head" and all. And he's happy. One thing his foster mom told me is that he loves to be rocked to sleep!!
Look at that smile. Don't you want to adopt one of these precious Pekes? Just email us at


  1. Oh Linda, you do have some lovely peke's at the moment - hey - you have "lovely peke's" ALL the time!

    You know - I think Maximus could be my No.2 peke "special one" after Camden!

    I am sure after people see this "coney bunch" you will get some adoptions. All sweet!

  2. Maximus sure is a trooper with all those procedures done at once. Looks like he'll be able to see much better with the eye folds reduced. It would be hard to choose just one with all the wonderful fosters you have at the moment. I give you a lot of credit for nursing them all back to health and getting them through their surgeries and appointments, etc.

  3. I don't have them all-- Maximus is with wonderful foster parents near me. He probably has a whole new view on the world!

  4. Linda - put that Maximus on a plane to Oz!!!!!
