Saturday, July 17, 2010


The Lacy Story: (by guest writer Chris and Lacy)
Once upon a time I was a lonely stray; I didn’t know what life would be like going from day to day.
Let me introduce myself my name is Lacy bean; bet you think that’s a funny name for a little peke like me, it’s nice to have a name because I was a stray you see.
Left alone I wondered the streets alone and afraid, I would look for scrapes of food and a warm place to sleep.
My little legs would get so tired my body felt so beat, in the rain and snow and heat so bad I really was so sad.
I wondered past people and think do they see me do they care? I am such a good little girl is there no love you can spare?
As I wondered I got very sick, I didn’t know what I had, all I know it hurt a lot and I really did feel bad.
When I least expected and out of the blue, three ladies came to rescue me as only angels do.
With loving eyes and such warm welcome my life about to change; they didn’t seem to mind that I was diagnosed with mange.
I wasn’t very pretty I lost all my hair, those loving eyes from my Angles they didn’t seem to care.
Taken to a nice warm home, I finally have bed, not really sure but really glad a place to rest my head.
My foster Mom she loves me so, a lucky girl I am, not to mention hunky Clarence what a handsome little man. Now let me clarify exactly who he is and tell you if I can.
Now Clarence is a pretty peke and happy as can be, he loved me through my sickness all patience that was he. I let him care and watch over me I couldn’t wait to play, we knew it was a matter of time I waited for the day. He taught me how to play with toys and wrestle to and fro, that wonderful Clarence I will always love him so.
Thank you Kim for all your love and keeping me in your care, for helping me and nursing me and your heart and home you shared. You let me sleep with you on your bed a pillow soft and warm. No safer place could I have been so glad that I was there. Angels that rescue what some call throw away dogs are just very rare. Because of you and Clarence too my life began anew. I got to go to a pekepicnic on one fine day in May, I got adopted to a forever home and place that I can stay. Now let me tell you something true. I share a home with another peke he can be a grump, I am working on him and showing him that he can like me too.
My new Mom and Dad they spoil me all the time, I get to take nice long walks and get so many treats, I chase the squirrels around the yard until they start to squeak. I sleep and snuggle and play with toys my heart so full of joy. I even am getting over the fact that lafite is a grumpy boy. He will get over it as he learns that I am sweet, I might even think to try and share my favorite afternoon treat. He kissed me the other day right on my nose, so things are moving slow and steady but that is how peke love goes.
I am happy now that I have a home that I can call my own, it wouldn’t have happened without my Angels and all the love they have shown.
So My name is Little Lacy Bean a stray no more, I know now day by day I am loved galore. Thank you Angels for your care of me, there is no place now that I would rather be.

Peke kisses and love,
Lacy bean


  1. Kisses to Lacy Bean and her new family.

    When you think of it - dogs trust so much and I think she has found a wonderful forever home , even if her brother is a grump - well, for now. LOL

  2. That is the sweetest story. Lacy was one sweet peke. Kim is a great foster Mom too.

    Lacy has a great new Mom and Dad. She is a very lucky girl. So is her Mom and Dad !!!!

  3. awww, what a great story!! Yay for Lacey's forever home!!!
