Sunday, July 4, 2010


This is Moonie (with his little Peke cousin). Moonie lost his battle with cancer this week. He was found as a stray and his mom was able to love him for about six years. He was about 12-14 when he died. His mom misses him so much and we are so sorry for her loss. Rest in Peace, sweet Moonie. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Remember, keep your dogs inside tonight. Those fireworks can scare them.

Look at us. We just came into rescue-- we aren't even on the rescue site yet. We want to have a contest on naming us. You can send suggestions to or on the comment section of this blog. We are both little females!
We have lived our lives being breeder dogs and we finally are free! And we are safe now-- a whole new life is ahead of us. Look at me, aren't I precious!? I only weigh about 8 pounds and I'm okay at that weight. I think I'm about 2 years old. I'm so glad I'm safe now! Jeanne's house is really nice and I get to go outside to walk around and have a comfortable bed to rest in. This is an exercise pen. I get to stay in here since I have to be separate from the other dogs in the house for a few days, just to make sure I'm healthy. I came with the reddish Peke-- we are friends, since we came from the same shelter. (But, we don't have to be adopted together.) Miss Jeanne gave us both a bath. As soon as she had me all clean, she let me outside to go to the bathroom-- and of course, I had to roll in the leaves! It was so much fun!
Look at me-- I'm probably 7-8 years old and weigh about 9 pounds, but I need to gain a little. I lived as a breeder dog my whole life. But, I'm getting good food and had a bath, but I didn't roll in the leaves! I love where I am now. What do you think my name should be? Here's a side view-- does that give you more ideas? Look at my tongue-- I'm ready to learn to give somebody kisses. Is it you? We need names, so send in your suggestions! Linda will let you know as soon as they decide which ones fit us the best!


  1. The tan one should be called precious, and the red one should be called Callie!

  2. I take it Linda they are both female pekes?

    so I think they need something classy to go along with how they must be feeling now with that bath, great food and lovely beds - not to mention all the kind people and pekes those two have in their lives now.
    Mmmm, classy ???? I know!
    After two of my favourite perfumes -

    JOY and JICKY !!!! :)

  3. Sending my condolences to Moonie's guardians. Cancer is so difficult in canines. My heart goes out to them.

    I'm hungry this morning, so I'd name the girls Biscuit and Muffin. Guess I'd better head to the kitchen!

    Safe and happy 4th of July to all of you!!

  4. Rest in Peace Moonie We will love you Forever

  5. How about hope for the white one and faith for the red one?

  6. I like Kelsey or Kelli for the white Peke and Audrey for the Red Peke. They are now such beautiful little ladies! :-)

  7. For the blonde/tan girl: Crystal or Joy or Sparkle.
    For the red girl: Penny or Pumpkin

  8. How about Bonita (Spanish for beautiful)and Amore (love).They are so beautiful and have just started their life of love!

  9. They just have the most precious little angel faces!
    Angel and Precious...

  10. Here's a suggestion that came to my email, I'll post all of these on the comment section, too.
    "How about "Peaches" and "Scarlet" for the new guys???? or a cornier version Peaches and Cream?"

  11. Another suggestion via my email:
    "my son said because it is the fourth of July call them Liberty and Fireworks"

    I love all the suggestions we're getting!! Thanks, all,

  12. hmm..little late here but I'd still like to try out
    how about Buttercup for the white princess. she looks like a buttercup to me..and for her sister, Belle.

  13. Two more suggestions via email:
    "Name suggestions for the "new kids": how about Tipitina for the little
    cream colored peke and Firefly for the red peke? They look really

  14. They are both too cute. The first thing that came to my mind was Sugar and Cookie - especially if they stay together!!

  15. They are both so sweet. The first names that came to my mind was Sugar and Cookie - especially if they stay together.

  16. Here's another two names I received from an emailer:
    Sugar and Cookie!

    LOVE IT!!
