Sunday, August 22, 2010


Marley lives in Kentucky. He is the Peke brother of two who were adopted from us. Marley is like little bull in a china shop-- he's very happy and tries hard to cuddle and be sweet-- but he just can't help but play!
This is Jelly Belly-- she is great! She is so calm and sweet and she watches over her three Peke charges. I think she's like the Nana dog in Peter Pan.
This is Cooper, who was adopted from our group. He hurt his back in March, but he bounced back quickly. His mom could see the love and trust in his eyes as she cared for him and the bond between them is so strong. He knows she is his forever mom.
Marley and Dexter (one of our former foster dogs) are lounging on the couch. They are BEST friends and can't be separated. Dexter (in front) eats like a little pig and is the boss of Marley. He and Marley will pick on Cooper and hide his toys from him. They will push the toys under the couch so that Cooper doesn't know where they are. When Cooper tries to find them, they pull on his tail. Just like kids!
Cooper LOVES his "grandpa." If he sees him outside (he lives across the street), he has to go out and greet him. He is the favorite granddog. :-)
(Are grandparents allowed to have favorite grand-dogs? I think so!)
Cooper knows he is special-- but he doesn't flaunt it. He is just sweet. I remember when he was found and then turned into our rescue group. His foster mom in Richmond almost kept him, but knew his new mom would love him so much.
Cooper, what is that you are cuddled on? I think it's a body pillow-- and you're trying to make it fit your body. You look very comfortable!
Here's Dexter again. He was fostered near me and they sure loved him. Look at those beautiful eyes.
Dexter and Marley-- together again. These four keep their mom's days filled with laughter and unconditional love. She told us she couldn't imagine her life without them. We are so glad!


  1. Poor Jellybean, that girl has her work cut out looking after that trio of pekes!

    They look like a naughty bunch too! LOL

  2. I love the coloring on different:) They all look very happy!!

  3. Zuckersüsse Hunde hast Du!!!!!!
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße, Yvonne

  4. I looked up the German meaning. She is saying, "You have sugar sweet dogs! !!!!! Entirely many dear greetings. Yvonne."

    I'm amazed what you can look up on line-- I had to make sure it was something I could post. :-)

  5. They're all so handsome and beautiful, but that little Cooper still just makes my heart melt!
