Saturday, August 7, 2010


I found out we were able to get another one of the Pekes out of the back yard breeding situation. Her name is Mittens. She and the others are now safe in Bristol in a clean environment. I'll be going up Sunday to help Jeanne and two volunteer groomers to clean all the dogs. A TV channel in Richmond may be doing a story on this group of dogs.

This is Dr. Rich Teague. He is the Richmond area vet that we use for all the foster dogs in that area.
On Saturday, all the dogs are being transported to Richmond. Dr. Rich Teague of Farmer's Veterinary Hospital in Richmond will do the initial evaluation of this group of Pekes. He is also allowing us to use his kennel space to give them a safe, clean place to be from Saturday until we can get them to their foster homes. He is doing this free of charge for us! WOW. He has a real heart for the animals and respects our rescue group. I was so glad to hear that. His web site is: Click here: Farmers Veterinary Hospital
Here is a bio that is on his site:
"Dr. Teague is a 1975 graduate of Ohio State University's College of Veterinary Medicine. As owner of Farmers Veterinary Hospital, he has been integral in the remodeling and upgrading of the facility and its equipment to maintain the highest quality of medical care our clients deserve. Dr. Teague and his wife, Charee, reside in Richmond, and have 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Their lives are ruled by their three dogs "Emma, Mickey, and Cory." They are avid sailors, and enjoy escaping to their boat when time permits."
Dr. Teague has three rescue King Charles Spaniels. They stayed over at Jeanne's while their parents were on a trip. Jeanne and her husband, Bill, are good friends of Dr. Teague and his wife. This is Mickey in the picture. Isn't he beautiful! A friend of mine has three King Charles Spaniels and I get to see them often.
Here's Emma and Cory. Just hanging out, resting -- no worries.
Cory is definitely not stressed about anything! ;-)

Thank you Dr. Teague for ALL you are doing for us and for all you've done in the past!!
To help our new Pekes,


  1. Dr Teague - as we say in Australia - YOU ARE ONE BONZA GUY!!

  2. thanks for the info on your vet..he sounds like a wonderful doctor and person:) Yay for saving 16 pekes!!
