Monday, August 9, 2010


Remember Sammy-- he's now living in Washington DC. These pictures are from his time with me. He is such a happy boy and is doing GREAT in his new home! His new parents say Sammy is a nonstop action man when he is not sleeping. He enjoys walking and rushes the door when they announce a walk. He is the greatest fun for them and is getting on well with Sybil, their other Pekes, twho is starting to come out of her sadness about Hadrian's journey to the Rainbow Bridge. She watches his activities carefully. Sammy does not have the ability to be mean, and is just endlessly affectionate and intensely interested in seeing what is behind every door and in every cupboad. I love this boy!!
You know I think Pekes should have jobs. Well, Sammy decided his would be to help me do the laundry. Look at his excitement, his quest for clean laundry!!!
I'm ready, just give it to me!
I'm ready-- but where is it? I can't see it. I know this cone gets in my way, but really, I can't find it.
Maybe if I stick my head further into the dryer, I can find it.
Okay, I can't get any further in unless I climb into the dryer. It's just not here! I'm really trying to help, but there is nothing here. Is this what training for a job is about?
I know you tried to help, Sammy-- you're such a good boy!
Sammy now follows his new mom from room to room. He stays near by! He went to the vet and was very distressed-- he thought he was being moved to another home. But, on the way home, he figured out he WAS home! He happily jumped back into the car, and rode home with us in smiling, stately style! That total change in him was an important part of his new parents' day, as it means he bonded with them! I love to see this-- my fosters become totally part of their new family. It's okay-- it meant we did our job. :-) (Just got this update this morning-- Sammy went to meet his new parents grandchildren-- here's what they said: "The grandchildren and both Pekes had a wonderful day - as David just said, the children were "thrilled" - and Sybil ran around the yard with Sammy, who was setting a good pace! So, good exercise for her! We had an added part of the trip - started out, then realized we had forgotten something, so went back to the house - Sammy thus had two returnings to the house today - to really set that understanding for him.")


  1. I am so happy to hear about Sammy -- I wonder if he will meet the Prez , seeing he lives in Washington DC now??????? LOL

  2. That's a wonderful feeling!
    When we dropped Mocha off to be neutered shortly after he came to live with us, he had that awful look as I handed him over to the vet tech ~ "I knew you weren't going to keep me..." (We are his third home.) When we brought him home after the surgery he was still pretty out of it, but as we walked up the front steps, he heard the rest of the clan barking inside, his ears perked right up and he had a relieved, happy expression. That was an unforgettable feeling for me:)
