Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Click here: Kirkland Dog Food Review and Rating
I wanted to give you some "after" pictures of the Pekes. But, first, I want to thank Dr. Rich Teague's wife. She brought us all food while we were washing and cutting hair and getting totally wet! THANK YOU CHAREE!! We appreciate your thoughtfulness so much.
We had an amazing time working with these dogs-- it was so great to see the dirt going down the drain and to be able to give them attention that they deserved so much. I think this is Rita, above. I'm still learning their names! Mittens is SO SWEET and loves to give kisses.
Here are the puppies-- they had to be removed from their mom, who was trying desperately to care for them. But, Brandy, the mom, only weighed nine pounds-- and it was all bone. She had to get healthy herself. The puppies are having a blast witht he food dish-- it's fun to eat and climb into!
Amee, one of our foster moms, helped to groom many of these dogs -- she's a groomer and does a wonderful job! THANK YOU Amee! She's holding Rosebud. (Let me know if I'm wrong on these Jeanne!)
I think this is Rita-- look how wonderful she looks now! These dogs had never had baths or been cared for. And they are responding so well.
Check out Little George. Isn't he wonderful-- he has some bad eyes, but he still loves people. We found out he is heartworm positive, but is too old for the treatment, so he will be taking heartworm medicine that will begin to kill off the heartworms slowly.
Poochie is afraid and needs time-- but he's going to be a stunner!
These two-- Romeo and Chubs-- are little clowns. Their tails are constantly wagging. They were waiting for their dinner bowls here. Right now, they are all in Jeanne's vet, where they are getting extraordinary care (and Jeanne goes twice a day-- you are amazing Jeanne!).
Cookie is precious-- look at her markings. It looks like a heart on her head. She is mostly white on the back. She is a little timid, but she'll come out of her shell. It just takes time.
Rosebud is enjoying her new bowls and wonderful food! Rosebud is so sweet. She is the only one in our eleven (four went to another rescue) that is heartworm positive, so she'll need to go through that treatment and then be spayed.

If you can help with our vet costs, please go to our web site and donate through the chip-in we've set up. You can also send in a donation, or use paypal. Just go to to see the links. If you have any questions, just email us at


  1. Poochie is tugging at my heart. I pray he comes around and learns to love and trust. He looks so scared.
    Jeanne could you tell him for me "it is going to be alright".

  2. Wow! To have only ONE with heartworm is amazing!!- Thank god for that as its so expensive to remove !

    Its a messy job cleaning all those pekes but I understand how fun it would be to see all that dirt go down the sink !!! LOL
    You can see in their faces how happy they are all now that they are being feed and cleaned up. Pekingese HATE to be dirty! Poor loves.

  3. from Robin:
    Thank you to you and Jeanne for all of your exhaustive work over the last several days I think Chubs might be a good fit with my boys? I will await the next update Blessings! Robin

  4. Jeanne and Linda, they look wonderful! I can't even imagine the horrors they've been through, but to know that they will be fostered and loved and find forever homes is AWESOME! Bless you both for the work you do.

  5. Cookie is just beautiful! They all look so good and so much happier already:)

  6. They are all so precious! Love the heart-shaped spot! They are going to be alright now. Thank God for good people like all of you including the vet and groomer!

  7. Essie,

    I tell Poochie he is going to be fine each time I go and feed and clean their runs. It is amazing how well they are adjusting. They are now coming up to the kennel doors waging their tails when the see me. They love being inside and not living in plastic crates in the heat. All of them have stolen my heart....Can wait to see the TV coverage tonight on them.

  8. Hi Linda!! It's me Gracie Lu. You and Miss Jeanne are so nice and now all those little Pekes will have a nice home like mine. I told Mom to send dollars to help them get all better. I love you all!!
