Wednesday, September 8, 2010

GIZMO Part 1

Here was Gizmo when we got him-- filthy, no vetting ever, worms, ear mites..... you name it. I've never seen dogs in this condition before.
But, look at him now! He's in his foster home and he is wearing a lei so he can go to a Luau. He's ready!!
His foster brother and sister (his foster mom's dogs) were all set to go, each dressed up for the occasion.
Gizmo has just one eye and it has limited vision, but enough to get around. We're going to have it checked by an opthalmologist to see if there are any drops that will help him.
His foster sibling is watching him-- Gizmo is having a little trouble adjusting to being in a real home, where he is loved and cared for. He sometimes gets jealous and wants all the attention. We are going to have a trainer work with him, so that he knows he doesn't have to be afraid anymore. I know he'll do well. He's such a great dog! Here's a video:
If you think you could welcome Gizmo into your home, please email Applications are on line at Look for more pictures tomorrow!


  1. I think little Gizmo wants to go to Hawaii!!!

    Hey, me too Gizmo! :)

  2. Wow!! Gizmo looks like a completely different dog in the after picture:)
