Wednesday, September 1, 2010


There is a concern about Blue Buffalo food-- which we really like. Please read the article here and contact your vet if you have questions: Click here: Veterinarians reporting Possible Blue Buffalo Dog Food Concerns Our foster dogs are not on the Wilderness formula, so they should be fine.
This is the picture of Tappy I received when I was asked to take her into rescue. She was crawling with fleas when I got her and filthy. Some people just are clueless on how to care for a dog-- they aren't mean, they are just don't know. Tappy had been passed around on Craigslist, and it was time for her to be safe. So, we took her into rescue.
I took her to the vet immediately. She had a capstar for the fleas (kills them within an hour), and was thoroughly checked over. We did everything she needed.
She had to be shaved down because of the matting in her coat-- just too much to be able to save. But, she was so cute with her hair cut and new purple harness. And she loved wandering in my yard.
And we went in the car to her foster home near me. She's excited-- she's ready to be loved and cared for! Her foster parents, Tiffany and Mike can sure do that! THEN WE HAD SOMEONE WHO WANTED HER TO COME LIVE WITH THEM.
Cherry loves the senior dogs. She has several. So, Tappy was going to live with her. And she renamed Tappy TIFFANY in honor of her foster mom. It was close and she knew Tappy/Tiffany would still recognize her name. Above is Dixie supervising Kibbles asleep!
She went to her new homeand lives with lots of friendly faces. Chancey above, was one of our senior Pekes. Cherry and I want the seniors to live their life in love and comfort and they can do that at her home.
This is Lovie, a blind Peke she adopted. Lovie needs eye meds every day and Cherry finally was able to get Lovie to trust her so she can do it a little easier. Cherry has a loving heart for these little ones.
Here's her yard-- it's a wonderful place, all fenced in, and the dogs love it. The blind ones have managed to learn their way around and are safe while they do it.
This is Kibbles-- he is deaf and totally out of it here. His family gave him up because he was losing his hearing. His family, in front of me, told their little girls they would get a puppy from me later. I don't think so! We want owners who are committed for life to these dogs.
Weezie is guarding the door. She was found in the middle of a road near me and rescued by someone. They contacted me to help her. She was older, but they need rescue, too!
This is Friskie-- the lone cat there. His favorite place to nap is with his mom!
And here is another spot-- nice for an outdoor nap in the flower bed.
And here's Muffin-- she was one of my foster dogs who came in heartworm positive. Such a sweet girl who loves her life with Cherry.
And now Tappy/Tiffany lives with this group-- and she's happy to have lap time like the rest. Tappy now has a safe place to be for the rest of her life.


  1. Moi Moi wants Tiffany/Tappy to know that a good haircut makes a girl look 10 years younger!!! :)

    What kind people they are and I just love the old ones too - that is one WONDERFUL family!

    *what a cheek! To say they will get a puppy from you Linda After they drop/dump off the old deaf one! Honestly - you have to wonder what makes that sort tick!!!
    Karma will get them.

  2. Awesome! Cherry's home is like a nursing home for doggies:) Yay for her and Yay for Tappy getting a new home!

  3. Cherry is truly special to take the seniors in. It's not easy remembering who needs what meds and when. They all want their one-on-one time too!
