Sunday, October 3, 2010

COLBY AND CARTER update/toy warning

I want to put a warning on today's blog about children's toys. I did NOT know this! I've given my dogs children's stuffed toys to play with, but I won't anymore! Here it is:
++++Last night at agility class, a vet, who is a fellow agility student was telling us about a case she had this week. The dog ate a child's teddy bear and was very sick. When she opened the dog up to remove what she thought was an intestinal obstruction she found a huge gelatin type mess inside and the dogs intestines were black and the tissue dead. The dog will die-- no surgery can fix him up there was no living intestine left from stomach to colon. This was not an obstruction. .... so she called the manufacturer of the Teddy Bear on a quest to find out what the gel was and what killed the dog. Turns out the stuffing in children's toys contains ingredients for flame retardants and mite control! It is designed to be come a gel. It is highly toxic. Now you would think a child's toy would be safe because it is for children, but they don't expect a child to eat the stuffing of the toys... huummmm that seems a bit scary too. But we all know dogs demolish stuffed toys. So do not give or buy your dog any children's stuffed animals... some people get them at goodwill etc. The vet will be posting a warning and story and I will send any other facts as needed and as I learn more. Maybe some children's toys do not have this ingredient, but better to be safe then sorry. So meanwhile, make sure all your dog toys are for dogs. Please pass this on... it is a horrible death she described and one that can be avoided.Heather Screws P.R. Director Saving Pyrs In Need Rescue +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
This is about Colby and Carter-- but I had to include pictures of Rose Bud/RB. She was also one of the Bristol 18 Pekes and she was one that was heartworm positive (she's finished her treatment and is doing great!).
She is a sweet girl and very loving-- she's available for adoption. :-)
Now, here's Colby-- white paws. The puppies, who were five weeks when we got them, have grown so much!! And they are getting around and starting to go outside. Colby is telling Carter to come look!
And he does. Carter is the quieter, more obedient one. Colby is much "bossier" and he has found his bark!
Their hair is growing and going in all directions on their heads. Puppies are so cute and funny at the same time. But, Jeanne, they ARE beautiful!
Now, they are content to just observe. You can see how much they look like their mom, Brandy (see yesterday's blog). I don't see Poochie in them, but he is supposed to be the daddy. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.
Here is another video. Enjoy!! They'll soon be ready for adoption.


  1. Oh boy , no childrens toys for my gang now!!

    I love their "bad hair day" look!! LOL

  2. Thanks Linda, I did not know that either. Will share with all the animal lovers I know. Colby and Carter are just as cute as can be!
    My GizMoe Li went to his vet when he was a baby and had the weird hair and I was asked if I had cut it like that. I had to laugh and then thought to my self (not a lot of Peke Puppys come in here do they?)

  3. Hey Paige,,,,,,what you think of these two babies....cute ???? But I'm sure they are not as cute as your foster, Cubbie huh???? :)

  4. HAHAHA, love the hair!!! so cute:)

    Are there any pics of Cubbie?

  5. QUICK, before I give in to temptation ~ don't let me see any more puppy pictures!
    They are just the cutest puppies EVER!!

    Thank-you for the toy warning. I had no idea. I took a group of students to work at our local Goodwill store and they were throwing out a huge pile of children's clothing that seemingly had nothing wrong with it. The employee explained that there are countless recalls for things such as lead paint, choking hazards on hoodies with strings, etc. Who would've thought lead paint was used on children's clothing? I've read about mattresses being treated with pesticides.
