Saturday, October 30, 2010


I went to Jeanne's house yesterday to take my daughter's Peke back to her. I'll do a blog on Wicket later-- he was at my house this week to visit the vets in my area. We all met at Jeanne's house-- we had lunch, had fun, and Drill Bit got to meet the puppies!
DiDi and RB were wondering what was going on and tried to peek under the kitchen baby door.
And here are Colby and Carter-- the Bristol 18 puppies.
Drill Bit met them for the first time-- can you see Carter trying to figure out how to get to him?
So, we let the puppies out and Lottie and Wicket (my daughter's Pekes) were there also.
Drill Bit was getting kisses. He's very used to dogs and didn't mind a bit-- he started blowing raspberries at them! Can you see his face? :-)
It didn't phase the puppies-- they just tried another angle.
Is this a leash? Let's see where it goes.
I think it went that way!
Let's go look for it-- yes, Carter, you can go, too.
I think he's over here--
There they go! Baby bottoms and Peke bottoms!
Oh, no, they're trying to give kisses again. Let's pucker up and get ready!
Peke puppies and babies-- sometimes, it's just fun!


  1. What lovely photos Linda - that Drill Bit is going to be a very handsome man !

  2. How cute!!! Babies loving on Baby. he has gotten so big Linda. So cute................

  3. Those pics are adorable!! If Newmie could give kisses to babies all day long he would, lol.
