Friday, October 22, 2010


Meme is the sweetest foster dog! Everyone who has passed over her pictures is really missing something.
She is so loving with people and dogs. She's good with kids.
Are you checking us out -- or looking to see who you can play with next?
I love this pose-- little back end in the air, ready for adventure.
What she really wanted though was her chew bone. She is very content with it.
I think this is a TV tray- but if it's a ladder, we're in trouble. (You can tell I have ladders on the brain, since I've been painting a lot.)
I've never seen this kind of toy-- love the color. Looks like a toy my grandson would enjoy. Of course, one that is clean, washed, or new. No dog spit for my Beach Bit. :-) (Really, why do I say that-- the Bits get licked by the dogs, so what's the difference.)
Yes, you're so cute-- she loves getting loved on.
Here's Meme playing with her foster mom's dog-- can you tell she's enjoying it!
Look at those eyes-- she's like a little Peke doll.
Meme is waiting for her forever home-- she may have one very soon!


  1. Linda, that MeMe is one pretty Peke!!!!

  2. What a sweet little Peke! She looks very happy, Maybe can we trade? Her for Jazzy? lol... I know, I know, I'm just being silly - it's been one of those weeks. I think MeMe and Sam look very much alike - they would make a cute pair!!

  3. She is just beautiful. She looks so feminine, gorgeous little girl:) I hope she gets her home soon!!

  4. MeMe has "Precious Moments" eyes like the figurines. She sure looks like a special little girl.

  5. I am so happy to see that MeMe and Sam both found homes!!! yay:)
