Monday, October 18, 2010

SAM (formerly Romeo)

Here's a Bristol 18 update-- this was Romeo, who is now Sam. I am constantly astounded at the difference in these dogs.
He has the teeth/underbite similar to many of them. It's so cute!! Don't you want to kiss him!?
He's such a happy, beautiful dog now. He's gained weight and his coat is shining and healthy.
And he loves to pose for the camera-- I think he could be a calendar dog all by himself!
Yes, Mr. Sam, you are just stunning. I love your coloring. (I know I say that about all of them-- but don't you agree? They are so "keepers.")
Are you looking for your buddies, Chance and Precious? Are you ready to play? Oh, my goodness, I just want to scoop you up!
I think everyone reading this blog will want to scoop you up, too! It won't be long before you have your forever home!


  1. Yes I want to scoop Sam up and put him on a plane to Oz! :)

  2. Oh my, all these pekes! Sam is just fantastic!! I love the pics of him, he is totally posing, love it!!

  3. What a gorgeous boy! I want to take every single one of these Peke's! They are all so precious and deserve a good life. I think my four would revolt though if another moved in the house. So hard as they all look so sweet!

  4. I love all Pekes, but am totally in love with little Sam. He looks so much better.

    I wish so much you would extend your adoption to WVA. We would love to welcome several to our home.

    I love what you all do for these babies.

    Thank You for taking care of them and showing them love that they do not get.


  5. Shelly, let me know where you are in WV-- we do make exceptions where we can.
