Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This is Gabriel. He was turned in to the BARCS shelter with a severe head trauma. How could someone do this? He was taken to the emergency vet and helped there.

His eyes were swollen, but a sister rescue group stepped in to help. Don't worry-- he's being cared for very well.
And look at the difference! He is being carefully monitored and will see an opthalmologist. Even in the emergency vet, he was wagging his tail as he was gently talked to.
His eyes are a little red, he may have lost sight in one, but he will rally.
I just want to go hug him and the person who is helping him! Thanks, Melanie!! Her group is:
He's only 2 years old, so he has a happy future in front of him. He'll be cared for and have a forever home once he is ready. In rescue, we get all kinds of dogs with all kinds of conditions-- but once they are in rescue, they are safe. I can't look back too much on where they WERE, but I concentrate on where they are GOING! Otherwise, I could not do rescue.
Little Gabriel will be just fine-- I believe that! Let's all rout for him!


  1. I just want to wish ALL the best for that dear little Peke Gabriel!!!!

  2. This just makes me sick to my stomach. Thank goodness he is safe. This child needs to get help and her family should have to pay all of Mutts Matter Rescue's expenses. I hope everyone sends the rescue a donation to help......Thank you for coming to his rescue. !!!!

  3. Thank you for writing this about Gabriel. I think you said it best-We have to "concentrate on where they are GOING!" I have to remind myself of that everyday. Thank you for writing the beautiful blog about him. He is a special angel. I will continue to update you.

  4. I read about Gabriel's story on Mutts Matter's FB page. I was in tears..he is such a beautiful Peke and I hate to think he was in so much pain.

    From what Jeanne wrote, a child did this?? Oh, that just makes me ill. I am so glad that you remind us to remember where the dogs are GOING and no where they have been. That is the only way to keep moving forward.

  5. I'm so thankful Gabriel is safe now and getting the caring and loving treatment he has deserved all along.
