Saturday, December 11, 2010


Hey Linda, you know what? My Mom took me to visit for Thanksgiving. We went in the car but I didn't ride in my car seat, I sat in somebody's lap. Then we got out and went in the house and it had so many people that I had a hard time speaking to all of them but I ran in circles until I could give kisses to everybody. Everybody thought I was pretty and they wanted to pet me and rub my cost which was fine but I don't see why they did that. There were lots of young folks there and they sat in the floor and played and then I got on the couch so I could rest. Then I went over to Mom and I let her know I was ready to go home and so we came home and I ate my dinner and now I am going to sleep for a bit. Saying hello to all those people really tired me out but they were glad that I came. Tomorrow I am going to see Bodie. Hope all of you had as much fun as I did. LOVE and slobbery kisses Gracie LuNow it's time for Christmas and Gracie is doing great. The only problem is that Bodie, her dog friend, sometimes comes over and eats all the treats she has hidden in plain sight. They look like good hiding spots to her! She sent Starlight a present-- a little name tag that says, "I rescued a human." It's true-- Gracie Lu rescued her mom and her mom rescued her.
Gracie got a new big bed for Christmas! She only has six-- every Peke needs a lot of beds.
Gracie wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!


  1. Merry Christmas to you Gracie - Kenzo thinks you are very pretty and if you lived near him - he'd chew on your pretty ear!
    That is Kenzo's idea of being romantic!

    *Maybe Gracie its a good thing Kenzo doesn't live so near! LOL

  2. LOL, love the story! Gracie's bed is beautiful! SHe definitely deserves it:)

  3. She's beautiful. I'm glad she had such a good holiday. (Tell her thanks for the magnet!)

  4. I love Gracie's holiday bed, so red and velvety rich! Perfect for a princess :)
