Sunday, December 5, 2010


Do you remember Trio? She was one of our foster dogs who was adopted by an incredible couple in Richmond. You could not find a better home for this sweet girl! They named her Trio in honor of their third anniversary. :-) I'll never forget that's how she got her name-- perfect!
She has fit into their home and heart and loves them so much. They all got to go to the Outer Banks in North Carolina (I wrote that for you, Melinda-- since you wouldn't know where that is) for Thanksgiving.
Winter is NOT when the tourists are there, so they all had the beach to theselves.
You can look Trio-- but the tourists all went home. Really, they did.
Their daddy got to play with them-- you can see Trio becoming airborn! I think she loves her Daddy!
Look at her Peke stance. She's such a beauty. So different from the little one who came to my house.
She loves her sister Arbie. They became close friends right away. They're always together. This looks like they choreographed this picture.
Yes, the beach was all theirs that day. Them and the ocean, and the wind and the cold. But, the beach in winter has a special beauty and they enjoyed it.
Arbie is running to catch up with Trio.
And together again, headed toward mom and dad. They have many things to be thankful for! Thanks, Cate for sharing!


  1. Love the action shots of these Peke's running! too cute! How blessed they are to have such a loving home!

  2. I had a look at the Outer Banks on the computerand its a very lovely area and what big beaches they have - just perfect for running Pekes!
    As they are from China , I really don't think they would mind the cold .
    I would love to take Kenzo and Moi Moi there for a run too!

  3. Those are some fantastic pictures!! I love the pic of them running together..really great photos!

  4. Pekes are such amazing and loving companions.When I get chemo treatments on Friday my Princess stays right by my side through it all.Her smile really makes me feel allot better!
    One thing Princess loves to do at the beach is chase seagulls!She is not good at catching them,but chasing them is a favorite past time for her!
    Thanks so much for all you do for these wonderful dogs.Your blogs really make me smile!
