Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This is what I woke up to this morning in S.E. Virginia. We almost never get snow this early. It's been colder than normal here and the snow came.
I did not sit in my chair this morning with my coffee as the dogs walked around the back yard. Nope, I stayed inside and watched them from the window.
Coco Puff was out there with her pink coat on. She's is trying to figure out what the white stuff is.
She was nice and warm though. The rest didn't sit still long enough to get a jacket on.
Max spent time on the deck-- he was very curious. His world looked so different today.
Scooter was thrilled though-- he just wanted to eat the snow! He kept wanting to go back outside.
Cranberry checked out the "monkey grass" which was frozen in place.
And Starlight was ready for me to stop taking pictures and just let her back in the house!! (Melinda, are you feeling cooler just reading this!?)


  1. Ooooooo so cold looking Linda!
    Tomorrow is going to be 86f - that will melt your snow!

    Oprah has been in Oz and she did two shows at Sydney Opera House today and she was just so popular here!
    You must watch it when it comes on your TV as she has gone all over Australia!
    Hey - she will feel the cold when she leaves tomorrow and heads back to the US :)

  2. Ditto here in DC! I have a question. Both Fu and Caleb find rain and wet grass anathema, but they LOVE the snow. Does anyone else experience this Pekingese logic?

  3. Carey, Cranberry would consider it an insult if I put a coat on her. She LOVES the snow!! ;-)

  4. LOL cby, I experience it all the time. I have to place them outside when it is raining(which is all the time in Western Washington State) and if it snows, they can't get outside fast enough!
