Friday, January 14, 2011

Elvis, Presley and Ciara

We have been asked to take in three more dogs. These two look like twins! Well, they are-- they're litter mates who are two years old. They are Elvis and Presley. Two males whose owner died Dec. 26. We are trying to find a foster home for them. They are a little "cranky" at first, but give them a treat and you have their heart forever. They love to take walks.
I look at these pictures and they were labeled differently-- but wow do they look the same. They sure are cute~!
And this little girl is Ciara. She is in a shelter right now and we're trying to work on transport. She in a shelter in Washington, DC. Her owners turned her in and she probably was abused. She is missing one eye and needs some corrective lid surgery on the other. Just give her a minute, and she'll come curl up in your lap.
If you can help with transport this week-end or with fostering, please email


  1. Oh my those two are the same dog !
    So sad but I am so glad they are off on their way to you all!

  2. I love Elvis and Presley's names..too funny. I hope transport can happen quickly for Ciara..glad that she is on her way to being safe.
