Monday, January 31, 2011


Remember the blog on Legend? He is one of our foster dogs. His foster parents are also fostering Sasha and she is now one of Legend's best friends!
She came from a shelter near us and was taken from the owner by the courts-- charged with cruelty. I don't know what she went through, but she is doing really well now.
Her tail was down in the shelter-- not sure at all of what was happening to her.
But, look at her smile now!
Her coat is longer than some, but I know it will get healthier once she has the good food that we give our Pekes. She is about 12 pounds, so not big at all.
She smiles a lot now.
Unless she is thinking about what she can play with or who she can play with!
She spotted the rope toy!
But, takes a break to have her picture taken. Some Pekes LOVE to have their pictures taken! And some will just take off!
Sasha is about 2 years old and is available for adoption. Of course, if you want to adopt Legend with her, that would be great, too! They love playing, love the yard and love the other dogs in their foster home-- how much better could it get?


  1. Oh what a couple of sweet ones Linda!!

    Pop them on my Peke plane :)

  2. Yay! Legend has a Peke pal. What a striking looking pair they make visually! Who wouldn't want to take on double the Peketude?!

  3. Looks like Legend helped Sasha adapt to her new life and learn to trust again. They are gorgeous.

  4. I am so happy to know this tiny girl has found a home, and a new Peke sibling to keep her company!

  5. It is so nice to see all those happy 'after' pics of Sasha:) Her smile is contagious!
