Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Little Rusty was saved from a life of abuse. He had been abandoned in a garage, eating wood to survive. Once he was adopted, he never wanted for anything again. His owner loved him so much and cherished every moment with him.
Here is what his owner wrote: "Unfortunately I have to report the passing of Rusty. He began to deteriorate 3 days ago and was unable to control his bowels and bladder, he stopped eating and playing and was not sleeping - just constantly tossing and turning because he couldn't get comfortable. He stopped wanting to go for a walk. Old age and previous abuse had taken its toll. Rusty was adopted from a shelter and he had been badly abused by his previous owner. For 3 nights I didn't sleep and spent hours watching my best buddy slowly worsen before my eyes. "
"It was too much to take, I couldn't do anything to help him and I felt terrible. Sunday night I watched him crawl around the kitchen, crying and deficating on himself - He looked at me with his big brown eyes, he wanted help. It was time. We went to the vet yesterday morning and Rusty went to the Rainbow Bridge."
"I will not sugar coat the experience, it was awful. My heart is broken, my best buddy and sidekick is gone, my house is empty. Everything happened very quickly and I thank God that Rusty did not suffer for a prolonged period of time. Time will heal and one day I might find a new Rusty. If you have space in your heart and house please consider adopting a Pekingese or make a donation to the Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue group who do such a wonderful job saving our furry friends from abuse."

I've known Rusty's owner by email since he got him. I know what a fabulous owner he is and when the time is right, I would consider it an honor to help him find a new friend to live in his home. One friend send me this: I wish the Rainbow Bridge had a phone, so I could hear your bark again. I thought of you today but that's nothing new. I thought of you yesterday and the day before that too. I think of you in silence and often speak your name. All I have are memories, and pictures in a frame.. I love and miss you... " We wish for one more lick and one more hug and one more putting our face in their hair so we can breathe them in. It is hard to lose them, but the love they gave us is worth so much. REST IN PEACE, SWEET RUSTY.


  1. what a lovely Peke Rusty was and I just adore that last photo.
    Its just so hard to do - save your best friend from suffering when very ill but it is the kindest thing to do too.
    I do hope you do adopt another peke when the time is right too .

  2. What heartache it is to let go of a beloved fur friend. Wishing all the best to Rusty's family.

  3. I remember when you posted about Rusty's rescue and was very upset about his abuse and amazed by his strong will to survive by eating wood. Now I am deeply saddened. I remember that look my German Shepherd gave me when "it was time" and know how hard it is, but at the same time I am thankful the option is available to end their suffering. I want Rusty's owner to always remember what a blessing he was to have given Rusty the best years of his life.

  4. I was so sad to read of Rusty's passing. The note that his owner wrote on FB was incredibly sad and loving. Rusty lived out his life to the fullest and you can tell how happy he made his owner. Thoughts for the family during this difficult time.

  5. I am so very, very sorry. My heart is breaking for you and I will think of you often and send prayers for your comfort. My best little buddy and soulmate went to the Bridge in 1998........and even now I can cry a river as I remember that sweet face, those wonderful kisses and the unconditional love that Casey gave me for 10 short years. My house and heart are now occupied by 3 wonderful rescue Pekes and I love them dearly. Although Casey was my soulmate, these little buddies are loved beyond reason...Chauncey is 8 ..Georgie will be 11 on Feb 9th, and baby Buster is 1 1/2.

    May God give you comfort and peace in your grief and fill your broken heart and home once again with the love and sounds
    from another special little Peke.....I will be praying for you

  6. This made me cry! How sad. I love people who love dogs and are good to them. You are truly my kind of humans. May time heal your heart, I know Rusty will remain in your heart forever.

  7. One of our adopters sent this comment: Dear Linda,

    My technology skills are so limited that I don't even know how to send comments to the blog; but I want to be sure send some thoughts your way:

    My prayers are with you and your grandson and the family as he undergoes tests.
    I pray all will be well.

    The Rusty story broke my heart. It made me think of the loss of my Chloe last spring...and of the lifesaver that Kaci is. (Kaci is going through a "weird" behavior phase now...not sure what or why. It has been a hard winter. But, I keep her checked by the vet and she is physically okay.)

    Spring WILL COME.

    Let me know if there's anything I can do.
