Monday, February 28, 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH!!! Beth is one of our foster moms and she fostered Maximus above.
She fostered Ju Li, who now has her very own home. (She was a hard one to let go!)
She also fostered Katrina (now Penney), who was just full of joy-- I think she's laughing here.
Beth and David walk the dogs in all kinds of weather, several times a day. They are amazing foster parents. I'm SO GLAD they are on our team.
This was a group shot of their three Pekes and their two foster dogs. Missy (a former foster who stayed) is on top and looking up at the camera. Then, Lily and Katrina, and on the bottom, Ju Li and Wiley. They adopted their three from our group. They love Pekes and have had them a long time.
Here's David with the five-- Beth and David went to the Arboretum in Norfolk and ran into another person with her two Pekes. It turned out to be Tiffany, another foster mom, with Legend and Sasha, her two fosters. Small world and it was great for them to meet each other.
Thank you Beth, for all you do to help us in our foster efforts to save the Pekes. You are an incredible part of our team and I'm very glad to have you helping us to save these precious little Pekes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


  1. Happy Birthday, Beth!! And THANK YOU and David for all you do for Pekes!

  2. Happy Birthday Beth!!! I'm sure you are getting lots of Peke kisses today to celebrate. And, gorgeous weather for all your walks. Have a blessed day.
