Sunday, February 20, 2011


I did a blog last week on sleeping dogs and asked for pictures. Well, I got some and found some I already had. (If I have repeats, forgive me-- I just had so much fun looking at the pictures!) This is Arbie and Trio (adopted from us), sound asleep together, all covered up!
And Binky, one of our current foster dogs, is keeping company with a stuffed animal-- it makes a great pillow!
Here's RB/Rose Bud/Arby and Carter sound asleep. Two is better than one!
Here's RB sleeping soundly when she was in foster care.
Leo, the blind Peke we had in foster (now adopted) is snuggling in his bed. Simba was getting ready to fall asleep......
I don't think he was able to hold out-- those eyes are just about closed!
This is little Ginger-- totally relaxed on her back. She now lives in a wonderful home in NC.
Amy, former foster dog, was curled up in one of the many dog bed Jeanne has in her home-- Someone once commented that I had a lot of dog beds in my house. Well, of course, a lot of Pekes live here! And they all get washed every week or two. I know Pekes are concerned about that!! haha
Yoshi was curled up in a tight ball to sleep---- and his brother.....
Shami was using the side of the couch for a pillow. My Pekes do this, too. It just looks so uncomfortable, but I guess it's not. He is obviously VERY asleep!

Thanks for sharing pictures with me!!!


  1. They are just so lovely . I feel a snooze coming on!

  2. Absolutely adorable!! I love these!

  3. Getting a nap in must be more important to Shami than worrying about a stiff neck:)
    Cute pictures!

  4. The pics with their tongues hanging out crack me up, lol! I love it!
