Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday you saw how I had to put two bouncey seats out for Starlight and Trenton. Well, today, I just had one near my desk. And I put Beach Bit into it. Starlight didn't see hers, so she just jumped in with Beach Bit. Can you see him? He's under there. (Don't worry, he wasn't startled or afraid or hurt. He's very comfortable with Starlight.)
"Hey, Moppy (my grandmom name), it's a little crowded here."
"Can you get her bouncey seat so she'll move?"
That's better-- two seats for two little ones. Beth, one of our foster moms (and a great one!) said, "Every dog has a special mission---apparently Starlight found hers!" This is so true!
Gracie Lu saw the blog yesterday and sent me this email: "Gracie is now upset. After she saw Starlight's baby, she thinks I should get her one too. Those pictures are delightful and it seems that Trenton realizes he has a protector in his Starlight. What a long way she has come since that Christmas you took her in." Yes, Starlight has come a long way from the "mean dog who doesn't like children." HA! She loves them! Especially all the Bits!