Friday, February 25, 2011


Wicket and Lottie are my "granddogs"-- along with Sweetie Pi who is also known as Pi Pi.
My daughter did a post on them on her blog-- and I thought it was so cute, I had to also use it. Here it is:
"They are Jedi Masters who just got baths and wished I would stop taking photos and blow-dry them already--it is COLD. "
Lottie is her white Peke and Wicket is her brown one. They are both wonderful dogs who have amazing personalities and are so good with all my "grand Bits."
"Now they are both dry, warm, and POOFY!
By tomorrow, they will be filthy again because, hey, we live on a farm. They smell nice right now, though. "
And then Lottie can go see what she can find to get into and Wicket can sit on his throne on the couch and observe his kingdom. They do rule, don't they? :-)


  1. Like Wicket and Lottie, my two stinkers need a bath too!LOL

  2. Love it! Wicket adn Lottie are gorgeous Peke's! Do you use a regular hair dryer on the Peke's to dry them?

  3. Yes, I just use my hair dryer on them. All but Max love it! Max is very loving but definitely has his own personality haha.

  4. I see Wicket and Lottie have that universal "bath-time is torture" expression :)
    Mine had to have baths last weekend and I always vow never to get long-haired dogs again!

  5. Dogs really hate baths, lol. Cute blog:)

  6. Great blog! Very cute pekes! Love the kingdom shot too. Thanks for posting. We can't get enough pekes!!!

  7. Moi and Kenzo had their bath today and the "air dryed' as it was 81f today - lovely warm weather - not too hot and they dryed off a treat!

    In colder weather I use a hairdryer for people too :)
