Wednesday, March 2, 2011


RB/Rose Bud is now Arby. She was one of the Bristol 18 rescues, and was in deplorable condition.
She came into rescue last August and we got her all cleaned up, vetted and she came to learn something about love.
She has been adopted!!! Here she is in her new home. Her coat is incredibly thick and soft! It's hard to believe she's the same dog.
She loves to look out the door and observe what is going on.
Or just hang out with her new mom and dad. They can't wait for the picnic (the last Saturday of April in N. Va.) so that Arby can show for herself the twinkle in her eye.
One of our supporters, Patrice painted this "doggie diner" of Arby. She donated this one to our group to raise money for our foster dogs. But, you can order one yourself of your own dog at:

Thank you Patrice for helping us with our foster Pekingese! And thank you Jeanne for fostering Arby and helping her find her forever home.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Arby with her dish! It's like twin pekes!!
