Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hey Miss Linda – just wanted to write in and say “hi” it's been a while – mom has been busy and I couldn’t get on the computer – you know how she is – I wanted to send off some new picts – Mom is on a big health kick – she is training for something a 10K the Monument Avenue one –
I hear her talk about it all the time and the training takes her away from me for a couple of hours most days – I don’t like that – so I have started the new year getting into shape with her – She is doing yoga and I was doing it with her the other day – I stopped though because I didn’t want her to take my picture – she is always running around with that thing – either the phone or the digital kind. There are a couple in here of my drill bit – he is getting so big now – he is crawling and walking around stuff and now I get to get down on the floor and play with him – he doesn’t have a bouncy seat like Starlight does – I need to talk to mom about that.
I do get to always ride in the stroller there is a special basket just for me. I hope you are good and tell my “cujo sister in crime” hello. Love, Darby
Darby sent me a second email-- I love emails from my Peke friends: Hello Ms Linda – I hope you are doing well and getting ready for Spring – There are all kinds of things popping up out of the ground at my house that I get to sniff and see – I can’t wait until they bloom. I am sending you some pictures – Its just me being me and hanging out and I included Macy in it too since she doesn’t get her pictures on the blog very much – well she usually doesn’t lay down with me anyway – You know I like my own space. My drill bit will be a year old next week and he is almost walking – I love having him here and he is so nice to me – he is learning to pet me and love on me – and when he starts walking it will be so much fun. We are having a party for him next week and mom says I have to wear a party hat or dress or something so I can have my picture taken with him – I will send you one. Love Darby ++++++++++ Thanks for writing, Darby! Starlight is amazing with children, just like you. She just isn't great with big people! That's okay-- you can't be perfect!