Monday, March 28, 2011


Mei-Li wants to tell everyone that we need help on our newsletter that we try to send out several times a year. Anna (who adopted Butters from us) loves to work on it. But, she needs help!
Beach Bit and Starlight are discussing if they have the time to do it-- but alas, neither one of them can write yet, so I guess they can't volunteer.
Tippy, a new foster (look for her blog tomorrow), would love to help, too. She likes the stories that are in the newsletter. We want to do another issue soon (so if you have stories you'd like to submit with pictures, now is the time).
Drill Bit thinks he could do it, too. I think you're cute enough, but not old enough. You have to be out of a high chair before you can take on the job.
Caleb has contributed to the blog-- I'm sure he'd make a great assistant for Anna. What do you think Caleb?
Cranberry hopes a lot of people will want to help. She helps by just being IN some of the newsletter stories.
I'm sure Elvis will be the topic for one of the stories. Look at that cute face! (He's doing great since his surgery!)
This is Pollyanna-- she was adopted from us by Tracey (who also adopted Colby...)-- Tracey and her family love Pekingese!
If you want to help on the newsletter, please contact Anna at or me at We really need help in getting issues out and with stories to put in it. THANKS!


  1. Are you sure those Peke's can't write????????

  2. LOL, maybe the Pekes can dictate their stories;)
