Monday, April 18, 2011


I want to let you all know that Mei Li was adopted!! She is living in Richmond now and doing great. Maybe they'll want to adopt a brother for her. ;-)
Beautiful Brandy went to the groomer last week. She was terrified-- she was one of the Bristol 18 and she trusts her foster mommy so much. The groomer (at my vet) seemed like a scary place. After a little help, she did fine and even let them pet her. It was a tiring trip, but now she is ready for spring/summer!
Brandy played with a toy. First time ever! Her foster mom doesn't know if she was playing or just mimicking Camden (her foster brother), but it was so cute. It only lasted about a minute or two, but it is such good progress for her. Later, Camden (Mr. Itchy Face) was rubbing his face against the couch pillows and making this soft growly sound because it felt good. She looked at him, did the same thing, and kinda imitated the sound. She is also learning Camden's "baroo." (That's the screaming thing he does when he feels lonely.) Camden, your mom is just going upstairs to get something, she'll be RIGHT back down. Oh, the funny things these Pekes do!!


  1. Brandy is just beautiful! Oh the funny things they do!

  2. It can be scarey at the groomer but the results are worth it!!

  3. Awww, that is so cute that Brandy is imitating her brother! Yay for her progress:)

  4. Brandy is such a sweet little girl and I hope she finds her furever home soon. I wanted to add that Zach makes the same noises that you are describing that Camden makes. He itches his face AND he scoots his butt sometimes, so he has an "itchy-itchy" name too lol.
