Friday, April 29, 2011


Essie sent me this video-- it's called Pekingese 101 and is so cute.

Hope/Lola came from an Arkansas puppy mill raid. We took her into rescue in the fall of 2009. Even with all she went through, she had hope in her eyes when she crawled into a rescuer's lap. We think she was about five when we got her, but we're never sure how old a Peke is when we get them-- we just ask the vets help us with that.

Just look at her now. She is playful and friendly. Her owner said he doesn't know who rescued who! He is just in love with her. I love hearing happy adoption stories!! And happier when a Peke gets a new and loving home.


  1. Look at that cutie!! Glad she is happy and loving her home. Looks like she and her Dad both rescued eachother!

  2. I love my pekingese. I never had the same breed of dog twice, but this Pekingese boy will make me want another one because he's just so gosh darned entertaining...and I'm stubborn too, so it all works out ;-)

    Thanks for the video!

    I'm so glad Lola is taken care of. I hate to see any dog suffer and she's certainly a sweetheart!
