Saturday, May 28, 2011


Here is an update on sweet Jie Li. First, I have to tell you his story. He was adopted in February. We do all we can to find good homes for our dogs. We meet the people, check homes........ We did this and he was adopted. Our adoption contract is VERY clear. If a dog is lost, we must be notified. A dog adopted from us must have identification tags on at all times. It turned out that we were not notified when Jie-Li was lost-- he did not have tags on. And his name then was Milo. We just didn't know we had gotten Milo back until we compared the microchip numbers. We microchip every dog. We were very disappointed when the "owners" did nothing to find him-- or to let us know. And Milo, now Jie-Li, was disappointed, too. He thought he was going to be loved and cared for-- we thought so, too. Well, he is now! He even has a few best friends now.

Denali, his Peke sister, has taken special care of Jie-Li. She loves him, and she has taught him to play. He is overcoming all he went through and is beginning to trust again.

He is learning that people can be counted on to care for him. Jie-Li had been a back yard breeder dog, so he had trust issues to begin with. That's why we try to be so careful when we allow someone to adopt-- it is a big responsibility for us to choose the right home. Sometimes, we just don't know a home won't turn out okay-- but it rarely happens. Most of the time, they are great! So, thank you to all our great adopters.

Jie-Li is doing great. He is still a little timid, but he's coming out of his shell and his foster mom is thrilled.

Just to see this sweet boy smiling and enjoying life is wonderful to see.

Jie-Li is grinning as Denali looks on.

He joined my foster gang at the Peke picnic in May. We had a group of foster dogs in my xpen and they all did great together!

Jie-Li is wagging his tail more, and will get on the couch.

Jie Li is beginning to show that he does have much joy. When he is let out with the other dogs, he BOUNDS around the back yard. Denali and Cheech, the Chihuahua there, were playing hard in the living room and Jie Le got up from where he was laying down and walked to them, tentatively. Now he is playing and interacting and life is becoming wonderful.

We all love you, Jie Li!! Thank you, Marilyn, for all you are doing for him and for loving him back to health!


  1. How could you NOT go looking for that handsome man!!!!

    Glad he is away from them to be honest Linda!

  2. I'm praying for a foster failure.... He looks too cute with his sister. :-)

  3. That's quite a story ~ to end up in rescue twice. He sure was lucky to be found. So happy he is in good hands again!

  4. Sometimes people seem better than they are. Thankfully, you got that sweet boy back and it looks like he is incredibly happy: )
