Saturday, April 9, 2011


Caleb wanted to send in a blog-- I'm so glad. I love Peke blog authors!! Here's what he said:
Hi Linda, Fu Shing, here. Caleb needs to do spring cleaning and he needs your help! I'm only good at taking toys away from him, not organizing them. Please?!
What's the matter, Caleb? You look so sad!
"I am, Linda! I have to do spring cleaning and choose which toys to put away for the season. You know how much I love ALL toys."
"I'm at my wits end! You want me to do what?!" Calm down Caleb, you need to make an inventory and then get Fu to help you sort them out."
Now I know if the two of you work together, you can accomplish anything. We'll check back tomorrow and see how you did.


  1. Its a good thing Fu Shing does not live near me --- I would pekenap him!!
    He is beautiful!!!

  2. Mom, that's a tough job for pekes (and kids) eliminating toys from the toy box!!! Sometimes an adult has to do it while the pekes are out in the garden playing. LOL Elizabeth
