Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My friend, Cherry, has taken in some of our older, special need's Pekes. She has a special touch with them and so much love just pours out of her. Her older dog, Dixie, was a member of the family before any of them came. She was a gentle soul and was between 15 and 18 years old. Cherry has to say good-bye to her last week.

She also had to say good-bye to sweet Chancey, who she adopted from us several years ago. Chancey was an older Peke I got out of a shelter. His tongue had black markings on it and it was so unusual. He was so sweet!

He had trouble getting around and this is how he ate-- he had lost most of his hearing and sight, and had trouble figuring out where he was.

Dixie was the first of Cherry's gang when she began to take in some of our seniors. And just like her love for Dixie, Cherry had incredible love for each one she took in. Some were challenges, had trust issues, were blind, or deaf, and Cherry loved them through their difficulties.

When I had Chancey, he was sitting in front of the fan one day-- it looked like he was going to take off! He loved that fan.

We took a road trip to meet his new mom, Cherry, and he was such a good boy in the car. Cherry was beyond thrilled to get him.

He liked to help her with her emails. Look how beautiful he was.

He had beautiful big eyes-- he had to have surgery on the folds when he was here, and it made his eye more visible than before-- just like a Pekingese figurine. Beautiful!
We are so sorry that Cherry lost two on the same day. It's so hard to say good-bye, but having to say good-bye to two at once is rough. They had a wonderful life with you, Cherry. Thank you for loving them so much and giving them all such a great life. I know Muffin, Tiffany, Weezie, Lovie, Precious, and Clifford will miss their friends. Farewell sweet Dixie and Chancey.


  1. They are beautiful and so lucky to have you as a mom! I know you feel lucky to have been blessed with sharing their lives too! I am so sorry for your loss, I am sending you a big hug!

  2. I am so sorry for your losses:(

  3. Oh this is so sad. I lost both my dogs a couple of years ago a week apart and so I can feel for you at this difficult time.

  4. I don't even know what to say. Terribly sorry for your losses as well. What beautiful little creatures! Thank you for loving and caring for them and giving them a wonderful home. The fan picture is just too adorable. Sometimes I think being a fur mom (or dad) is the hardest job in the world because no matter how much time we have with our babies, it is never enough.

  5. So very sad for Cherry's losses. It seems as she was a true blessing to Chancey and Dixie, and I know they loved her back! Wishing her peace.

  6. As much as we are sorry for you loss, I would like to think that they went together so that would not be lonely.

  7. I am so sorry for your losses, Cherry. It's obvious that Dixie and Chancey were deeply loved.
    When I first discovered this blog, Chance lived with Linda, and I thought he was a very beautiful and special peke. I'm so glad he had a good, loving & caring home.

  8. I am so sorry for your double loss. I know your heart is very heavy but keep in mind that you did a great thing for these two babies and made their lives happy and secure. Bless you.
