Thursday, May 19, 2011


We have been asked to help two Pekes whose owner can no longer take care of them. We dcsperately need a place to put them for fostering.

Nippy (above) and Monk are three year old litter mates who have never been apart.

They are best friends and cry if they cannot see each other. We really want to help them to stay together.

They are happy and lovable boys.

They are both so cute-- and Monk has that underbite that just makes you want to hug him.

He likes to sit in the window area so he can survey the world around him.

It looks like a very comfortable place to be.

Do you see something outside?

If you can help us by fostering these two, please email us at

They really need our help.


  1. How I wish I could take them both.
    I am sending huge adoption vibes for these two cuties to stay together and find a happy home :)

  2. Oh gosh ~ I love underbites! That is soo sad that they cry when they're out of each others' sight ~ breaks my heart.
