Monday, June 20, 2011


Jasper goes in this morning for heartworm treatment. He will be at the vet all day and I'll pick him up this evening. I will find out more about the treatment to share with you.

He had a fun week-end though. My daughter's Pekes (and Lab-Shepherd) were here and Jasper fell in love with Lottie. Please ignore her hair-- I cut it and it was still wet and she rolled in the dirt (and had to have another bath!).

Wicket also joined in the group. They were wandering down part of the Pekingese pathway.

It was like a little threesome. Lottie must have thought Jasper was her child because she played with him so sweetly-- she doesn't usually play, but she thought Jasper was wonderful.

I actually had to put Lottie upstairs so Jasper wouldn't play too hard. I didn't want him to stress his heart -- I don't think that would be good for him since he's heartworm positive.

The rest of the dogs didn't even come outside, just Wicket, Lottie and Jasper.

Jasper is such a sweet dog-- getting along with all the dogs. He greeets me in the morning with a wagging tail and jumping to be loved on.

I took a short video of them playing, just to show you his sweet personality. Click here: YouTube - jasper1

Pray for Jasper today as he undergoes his first heartworm treatment!


  1. We send our love to Jasper and hope he is ALOT better after his treatment tomorrow!!!

  2. I hope it all goes well, we all look forward to an update!!
