Saturday, June 11, 2011


This is Maggie. She was my cousin, Carol's Chihuahua. Maggie was loved so much. Maggie had a wonderful life on earth and Carol wrote a poem in honor of Maggie.

"I Remember.........

I remember when you were very small

When you came to live with me

Two pups that fit in the palm of my hand

Was quite a sight to see.

I remember when I trained you

To sit and come and stay

When you learned it oh so fast

It really made my day.

I remember teaching you to swim

You disliked the water so

But you stuck with it did so well

You put on quite a show!

You never snapped or snarled at anyone

Or ever bit a stranger

Your heart was warm and loving

So never was there a danger.

I remember you went to "snake school"

To learn with all the others

Their jeers turned into cheers

When you passed with flying colors!

You were demanding, manipulative, and controlling

An "alpha dog" they say

But you were quite the charmer

And you always got your way.

Some may call you spoiled

And some may call you rotten

But you were such a joy to me

You'll never be forgotten.

I'll miss you more than ever

And "Tucker" will be fine

So go peacefully my baby

Sweet, sweet girl of mine.

And when you cross the Rainbow Bridge

And meet Jesus the Son

I have no doubt His words will be

"Come in, come in .........well done".

RIP Maggie" REST IN PEACE, sweet Maggie girl.


I'm so sorry to have to put another blog on one of our adopted foster dogs who has passed on to the Rainbow Bridge. This is Taylor. This picture was taken about two years ago when he was ten years old. His Dad wrote a little bit on him that I am including in his farewell.

This is Taylor shortly after they got him as a foster dog. Here's what his dad wrote: "Taylor was found as a stray on the streets of Wilmington, NC about 12 years ago. He was taken to the shelter, where he tested positive for heartworms. He was scheduled to be destroyed, but before they could do it, someone fell for his spirit and playfulness and decided to just try to find him a rescue group to take him. Somehow, they found ours in Va, and the group called us. My folks lived in Wilmington, so it seemed like fate was pointing us to foster this little guy back to health. My wife & I decided that, with four other dogs & two cats already, we were NOT keeping him. She went to pick him up and didn't even make it out of NC before she called to tell me how wonderful he was. I stood firm for almost a week before I threw in the towel & renamed him. It was a decision that we never regretted. He fit well in our lives, and in our little family. He was our one dog who just loved being a dog.He was loved by everyone in the neighborhood, and the kids next door called him "Taylor the Brave". Thanks again.Sam & Michele"


  1. So sorry for both the families that have just lost their much loved doggies.
    Thinking of you all from Australia.

  2. It is so hard to loose these little Angels. My heart goes out to you............

  3. My heart breaks for both families:(

  4. I can't even start to imagine a pekingese as a stray dog - how do they survive? They stick out in the crowd and you'd think someone would snatch them up right away...I know I would.

    So sorry to have to say good bye!
